Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"This will be your year to shine" (and other lies)

So, we're nearing New Year's Eve, otherwise known as International Lie to Yourself Day. 

     Admit it, you know it's true. On New Year's Eve, as we straddle the line between the past and the future, we tell ourselves lies like:
  • "Next year will be my year!"
  • "I'm going to be a better person in the new year!"
  • "I'm leaving the past behind!"
  • "I'm actually going to stick to my resolutions this time!"
And the beloved classic:
  • "New year, new me!"
     I'm not going to pretend that I'm above all of that, that I haven't told myself these lies in the past. One quick perusal of my journals will show you tons of them. A rough outline of my journal entries every New Year's Eve would be: "I can't believe another year is over! It was mediocre, but I have a good feeling about next year. I just know that this will be my year." [Yes, I keep a journal. Of course I do. It's a healthy thing, I swear]. Judging by the fact that I said those things every year, you can pretty much infer that my 'good feelings' didn't really amount to much. 
     So why waste your time? Setting these lofty goals and expectations for the new year isn't productive at all. Think about it; our entrance into a new year is just as mundane as it is into just another day. Though some might be a little more hungover than usual, we'll all wake up in 2015 in the same groggy manner that we did in 2014, and all the years before it. No magical transformation occurs. 
     So on this International Lie to Yourself Day, break the cycle of those lofty expectations. Instead of those lies, tell yourself things like:
  • "I'm going to make an effort to be nicer to people this year."
  • "I don't need the turning of a year to make a change; I can try new things whenever I want."
  • "This may not be the best year of my life, but I'll try my best to make it a good one."
     I guarantee that if you don't expect too much of yourself, and you don't put so much pressure on making big changes in the new year, you'll be more at peace with yourself. Don't feel pressured to make resolutions. That doesn't mean you can settle for regression; complacency isn't productive either. But instead of focusing on a better year, simply focus on a better tomorrow. Be at peace with who you are, and don't stress about having to make 2015 the 'best year ever.' Happy New Year!

Soundtrack: + by Ed Sheeran 


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